I applied for a personal loan through capitol one and was denied d/t something on my credit report. So I did the 1 time a year free credit report and found out that Sears/City reported me for nonpayment on a card that belongs to my exhusband of 8 years. (he is filing bankruptcy) It has me as an authorized user. We called the credit card company and they said that I was not on that credit card. I am disputing it with equifax. Once it is taken off of my credit report, will my score go up? Should I reapply for the loan? I had excellent credit before this. I make good money and I always pay my debts. We have been divorced for 8 years.
Will my credit score go up once a disputed item is taken off of my credit report?
The FICO score may go up as much as 60 points if a derogatory item is taken off your credit report. The improvement also depends on other accounts in your credit report.
Will my credit score go up once a disputed item is taken off of my credit report?
If a debt is removed from your credit report, your score should go up.
However, there are quirks that would prevent that, at least for a few months. I just found a really good article that explains why:
Will my credit score go up once a disputed item is taken off of my credit report?
Here is a great resource for credit repair that teaches you how to do it for yourself and shows you what the credit repair companies don't want you to learn.
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